Neurophysiology of Social Cognition Lab

How do brains of social beings make sense of their societies? 

We are investigating the neural and neuronal mechanisms that enable transformation of social percepts into social concepts. 

We use a combination of neuroimaging, neurophysiology, behavioral testing, and physiological recordings to pursue these questions. 

Social interaction and social networks in the brain

From social percepts to social concepts in the brain

Experiencing social encounters through multiple senses

Comparative cognition

Lab funding

Our lab received funding through a BBT4 Collaborative Grant 2024 with Pr. Justine Clery (McGill, MNI) and Pr. Roberto Toro (Pasteur Institute)

Our lab received funding from The Azrieli Centre for Autism Research for a Collaborative Pilot Grant 2024 with Pr. Justine Clery (McGill, MNI)

Our Lab received funding through an ERC Starting Grant 2021. News: Lauréats INSB de l'ERC Starting Grant 2021; 26 lauréats CNRS à l’appel ERC Starting 2021; Aż 15 Polaków z ERC Starting Grants! 

Our Lab received funding through an ANR Collaborative Grant 2021 with Pr. Sebastien Ballesta, Universite de Strasbourg, and Pr. Jerome Sallet, INSERM Lyon.

Julia receives The Peter and Patricia Gruber International Research Award in Neuroscience at the 2019 Society for Neuroscience Meeting in Chicago

Our Lab received funding through an ANR Young Researcher Grant 2019

Our Lab received funding through an IBRO Return Home Fellowship 2019